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"SIE (Staring Into Eden)"

Simon Hennessey

Regular price$4,100.00 Sale price

"SIE (Staring Into Eden)"
Acrylics, Spray paint, concrete and resin on wooden panel.
14" x 14"

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Simon Hennessey, born in 1973 in Birmingham, UK, is a contemporary realist painter whose work pushes the boundaries of realism and abstraction. He employs innovative techniques to achieve a harmonious equilibrium between these contrasting elements, using paint in a simultaneously constructive and deconstructive manner to juxtapose order with chaos, and structure with organic forms.

Over the past 17 years, Hennessey has continuously refined his methodology, integrating traditional painting techniques with cutting-edge technology to enhance his creative process. This devotion to his craft has led to fruitful years with his artwork being showcased in museums and galleries worldwide, including cities like Rio de Janeiro, London, Melbourne, Montreal, Michigan, Venice, and New York, to name a few.

Hennessey's realist paintings, at first glance, may seem to be photographic depictions of reality. However, they transcend into their own abstracted renditions of reality. Rather than adhering to the mimetic replication of a photograph, he utilizes photography merely as a tool for gathering information, which he then synthesizes with his artistic vision. His process involves manipulating detail, depth, textures, form, and colour values within the painting, thereby creating an illusion that obscures the line between reality and fabrication. This unique approach presents viewers with a simulated reality, blurring the boundaries between the real and the imagined.